How to code BMW Fxx models at lowest cost?

What you need

– An ENET cable

– E-Sys program, datafiles, token and PIN

– A laptop (a PC would work too but it wouldn’t be comfortable in most cases lol)

ENET Cable


I got my BMW ESys ENET cable from this site for $16.99, free shipping: It has been confirmed working by some of my F10 friends. Shipping took 15 days! But for the price, it is well worth waiting for. I would not recommend other sites, although they may work, problem is that they have not been confirmed working yet. 


E-Sys program, datafiles and such

I currently work with E-Sys v3.18.4 in combination with the v46.3 datafiles, which work like a charm for me. I have read reports about newer builds but also read about a lot of install problems and such with those builds so it seems best to stick with these for now.

You can find the link to E-Sys and its datafiles in the following links:

Little advice regarding the datafiles: It is over 10GB in total and rapidshare is VERY slow. Unless you like to spend hours and hours to download it all, I recommend buying a one-time PRO account for 10 bucks. Most of the people (including me) did this and it makes a LOT of different (up 3 hrs versus 10 minutes per file).

For installation on how to install these files, please the attached PDF file called “E-Sys Installation.pdf”

Programming Versions vs. Vehicle Data Status

Here is a worksheet that covers what data set (psdzdata) lines up with what chassis code (for example, the F30 lines up with the F020 datasets).

Getting Started

Please see the ‘E-Sys – Getting Started’ PDF files below at the attached files to get started with coding. These are the same files I used the first time to code and should be self explanatory, just follow everything like they state there and you’ll be ok  (of course, where they talk about the F10/F010, please change that into F30/F020 respectively).

Mac Users: Download the E-Sys – MacOSX installation and configuration.pdf file.

Making a Back Up

It’s quite easy to make a backup of the CAF files from your car. Basically, as soon as you start reading the CAF files from your car, the E-Sys program automatically stores the files into “C:\ESysData\CAF”. All you basically need to do is to copy these files and store them somewhere safe. The best is to make a new copy (and keep the old!) every time you want to code, this way you always have a copy of the last working version (just in case you break something lol).

Here are the instructions that were given to me the first time around:


1) Connect the Laptop to Car and hit the Connect synbol on the top left.

2) Pop up will appear , now select F20 not “F020 direct” and click connect (You should see your car VIN in this pop if not, close the pop up.. wait for few seconds and repeat the step 2 )

3) If step 2 is successfull you will see a small po up telling the same …close that pop up (You will see these pop ups in most of the steps just read and close).

4) Now esys should switch to coding mode (if it didnt then go to expert mode and click on coding icon on the left vertical pane)

5) Now you will be in coding prespective… Click on Read button under the VO pane.

6) After step 6 you will see FA appearing in the VO pane

7) Now Click on Read VCM or Read button under VCM pane….you will find it it will be on your Right hand-Center

8) Once you click that you will see all the ECU’s populated below VO pane and left of VCM pane

9) Now expand the ECU’s… all most all ECU’s will have a file starting with CAF (With green indicator) right click on the CAF file and select Read coding data

10) You have to do the step for all the ECU’s. Some ECU’s will not have CAF’s, you can ignore them.

11) Easier way to perform step 9 and 10 : on your left hand side bottom there will be a drop down which should show “ALL” change that to “CAF” and you should see all the CAF’s in the ECU pane now you dont have to dig in each ECU to find the CAF.

Note: You can use Ctrl+Click to select more than one CAF and then read coding data… Dont click on all the CAF’s just do four or five at at time max.

12) Once you have complete reading all the CAF’s go to c:/esydata/CAF . You will see the folder CAF has all the .ncd files generated.

Once you have done the above, simply copy those .ncd files and store them somewhere safe.

Cheat Sheet

You can download the F30 cheat sheet with things I have done so far below at the attached files. The cheat sheet is called “F30_Cheat_Sheet_XXXXXXXX.pdf”, where the X’s are is basically the date I updated the cheat sheet (year,month,day).

Please also see a more complete cheat sheet for the F10 below at the attached files to get a general idea of it all.

Please note that the F10 coding is slightly off from the F30, meaning some of the functions are named different or located in different named modules and, of course, some things are not available to the F30 (such as the automated trunk closing). Just use the F10 cheat sheet for the F30 to get an idea, to see what might be possible and such.

Disclaimer: coding is pretty simple to do, but it is also very simple to brick your car if you make mistakes or by other unexpected circumstances. Everything you do on your car with coding, like with everything else, is all done at your own risk.