Helped my Japanese friend to solve his Honda HDS HIM LED issues and HDS v3.101.015 “Interface initialization timed out”. Share experience of it and wish the solutions help others.
Connected Honda HIM diagnostic interface to the car, then turned on ignition with the key. HONDA & INTERFACE LED flashed for 5 times at the same time. And then the HONDA LED and INTERFACE LED flashed alternately.
Error message popped up:
Interface initialization timed out. Once, remove all of the cables from the interface device, please, and then re-execute the re-connection. In that case, please make sure that the cable is properly connected. Do you want to retry?
Professional suggestion from engineers:
– Check the RS232 – USB cable to PC
– Check the driver software installation
– Make sure of the PC with com port
– Setup COM1 in the computer management
Then i did solve with COM1 setup.
Honda hds Honda diagnostic system software works ok without any issue.