This article is going to compare two ECU programmers on EDC16CP35 – CG FC200 and Flex.
We will see how they read, write, and checksum this ECU.
Here we use MPC56XX Adapter.
Connect device to ECU.
Run FC200 software.
Search “edc16”.
Wiring diagram.
Read ExtFlash data, costing 55 seconds.
Delete EGR for the Flash file.
Write new data back, costing 32 seconds.
FC200 only writes differences but cannot do automatic checksum.
Now we turn to Flex.
Connect programmer to ECU as diagrams.
Connect and read external Flash, costing 50 seconds.
Then write modified flash data back, costing 30 seconds.
Flex do checksum automatically.
Done! Checksum is the only difference between FC200 and Flex.