These are the steps a user of wiTech MicroPod 2 V17.04.27 followed to get Enhanced DRB III Emulator to work:
1: Make a backup copy of the partition from the hard drive included with the micropod!
2: Install HDD in laptop
3: Set date to 01/01/17 BEFORE booting from laptop
4: Boot to HDD
5: Allow windows to install drivers, etc, as needed for your laptop and reboot as needed.
6: Once all of that is done, do NOT run WiTech yet!
7: Turn OFF internet!
8: Navigate to C:\ProgramData\wiTECH\jserver\data\core\stubs
9: Install DRB Emulator stub
10: Install DRB Enhanced emulator stub
11: Install K-Line stub
12: Reboot computer
13: Set date back to current date
14: ALLOW internet access
15: Run Flexnet software updater. Do NOT update WiTech!!!
16: Flexnet will find updates for enhanced DRB and K-Line
17: Install K-Line update first
18: Install Enhanced update next.
19: Turn date back to 01/01/17!
20: Once updates and downloaded and installed, turn OFF internet and NEVER turn on again!
21: Reboot computer
22: Attach Micropod to car. When green LED turns on, turn on car ignition
23: Attach USB cable to PC and Micropod
24: When Windows is done installing drivers, etc, you should show a network connection in the tool tray with no internet access
25: Run Wi-Tech
26: Press “Launch DRB III” button in lower right hand corner
27: Accept EULA
28: DRB Emulator will launch.
29: Enjoy.
Actually, many of users already verified the wiTech MicroPod 2 V17.04.27 clone from the following site can work as fine as the above user’s: