OEM Orange5 software free download on Mega, installation video and test reports.
OEM Orange5 software free download on Mega:
Software Version: V1.34
Works on WINXP/WIN7/WIN8
Language: English and Russian
includes IMMO HPX 9V0 Software License
Compatible with the OEM Orange5 interface shown as bellow.
Source: http://www.obd2eshop.com/wholesale/oem-orange5-professional-programming-device.html
OEM Orange5 software installation video:
Very easy to install by following the above video.
OEM Orange5 test reports:
2j74y ok
35080 ok
TMS IMMO Opel ok
Hc05 IMMO old VW ok
All functions open 1-10 except car radio get error, tested reading usual EPROMS all good. tested IMMO login code from dump, TMS VW works.
Already did few cars. IMMO SW included and also activation for other sw. No problem till now , of course I not test all but with some NEC all ok .
Everything works as it should, knock on wood. Not sure is there any script but software for IMMO, radio and dash coming together with clone.
Can extract the dump of an EEPROM with a programmer and modify it with the software came with the Orange.
Check in hc05b8, hc11e9 EEPROMs. All read and write very fast.
Have 4 secured MCU and they work ok. On Hc908az60 secured and on 68hc11 it work’s just perfect.
Tested with 1j35d, 4j74y, 1d69j, 0d69j, 0f82b, 3k91d, TMS 370c702 OK!