Autel MS908S Pro2 vs. MS906TS vs. MS906BT vs. MS906

What’s the different between Autel MS908S Pro2, MS906TS, MS906BT and MS906 diagnostic tool? Which scanner is better? Take a look at the comparison chart below to find the answer.


Item Autel MaxiSys MS908S Pro II Autel MaxiSys MS906TS Autel MaxiSys MS906BT Autel MaxiSys MS906
All system DTC scan
Service function
Bi-directional control
Auto VIN technology
ECU coding ×
ECU programming × × ×
MaxiFix cloud-based info system
Data manager
Shop manager
Remote support
Print feature
Multi-language support
Domestic/Asian/European coverage(1996-present)
Display size 9.7″ 8″ 8″ 8″
Wireless VCI MaxiFlash Elite MaxiVCI V100 MaxiVCI V100 ×
Battery life 11000mAh 3.7V 10000mAh 3.7V 10000mAh 3.7V 5000mAh 3.7V
Memory storage 128GB 32GB 32GB 32GB
Connector kit
TPMS × × ×
Battery tester(Autel BT506) ×
Inspection camera(Autel MV108/MV108S) ×


In terms of software, only Autel MS908S Pro II supports the most features including ECU coding and programming.

Also, the MS908S Pro II hardware has been greatly improved: coming with larger 9.7″ screen and 11000mAh battery capacity, upgraded VCI MaxiFlash Elite.

As for extensions, MS908S Pro II is not only supports to test battery, but also can work with endoscope.