Hello all, where to find the right voltage for GM TECH II scanner?
OK, here is a list of counterparts, I have not tested:
Yuan Dean Scientific 67D-12S05RNL
Aimtec AM15E-1205SZ
Aimtec AM15E-1205SIZ
Intronics W15C-12S5
Motien V7E-1205S15
Motien V7-1205S15
Minmax MKW2522
Minmax MKW2529
Murata (C & D) UWR-5/3000-D12A-C
Traco TEN 15-1211
Traco TEL 15-1211
Recom RP15-1205SF
The Tech2 diagnostic tool is the same tester GM Technicians use to diagnose GM vehicles. The GM Tech 2 comes with Authentic GM software and provides support for on-board diagnostics on all GM systems 1992 thru 2011.
Here is the native voltage regulator, which was after buying Tech 2 from OBD2eshop.com
I was often asked how to work with Tech 2 before you replaced the voltage regulator. IMPORTANT! Replace the voltage regulator must! And those who did not finish, and want to have his device did not restart each time a skill. Below is a pinout diagram for the connector Obd ii scanning tool, which we need to disable temporarily for 16 pins. AC Power Technology 2 Power is supplied from the power supply on the device or from a second battery using a tick in the kit.
Have fun!