How to Program Highlander 2020-2023 All Keys Lost by OBD With Autel IM608 II

How-to: program Toyota Highlander 2020-2023 proximity push to start all keys lost with Autel MaxiIM IM608 II (IM608 Pro2) via OBD.

Go to IMMO>Toyota->manual selection->USA->Highlander->2020 to 2023-> Control Unit-> Keyless System(CAN)->Backup Immo Data->Backup via OBD

Autel Im608 Ii Toyota Highlander 2020 Akl 4

Autel Im608 Ii Toyota Highlander 2020 Akl 5

Put the hazards on

back up immo data via OBD, Save immo data.

Then generate analog key

We’ll take a simulator key Autel apb112.

Generate analog key complete

put the analog key close to the push/stop button, and press the stop button

Ignition is on.

If the instrument lights up successfully. click yes

now we’ll do add smart key with im608 ii.

turn on the ignition

let’s set the hazards

we’ll turn the ignition off

Keep the apb112 close to the start button, the buzzer will beep once.

Keep the new Toyota smart key close to the start button, buzzer will beep twice.

Successfully program a new key.