Hi there! It’s newly tested OK to copy Toyota G chip by using CN900 MINI KeyProgrammer and new YS31 CN5 Toyota G and 4D chip! You can check steps as below:
Put the original Toyota G chip key into the coil.
Click “READ©” button.
Please wait and don’t move the key when reading.
CN900 MINI read out original Toyota G chip key information.
Click “DECODE” button then don’t move the key.
Decode success.
Now remove the key and put new CN5 Toyota G chip into the coil.
Click “COPY” button and wait.
Mini CN900 Transponder Programmer copy Toyota G chip susccesfully!
Why use this new YS31 CN5 chip?
To copy Toyota G chip and 4D chip with CN900 MINI or ND900 MINI V1.20.2.15, You can only use this new CN5 chip! Other chips can only used with software version before V1.20.2.15.
This new YS31 CN5 chip is compatible with CN900 MINI, ND900 MNI and Tango.