Click on Lonsdor K518ISE website:
Note: This service center is now specific to the following 3 car brands: VOLVO, MASERATI, FERRARI
Step 1:Input user account and password to enter.
Note: The account and password must be the one when you registered our device
Step 2:
Choose your device model, i.e Lonsdor K518ISE
Step 3:
Choose the car model
Step 4:
Choose the key type that you want to transfer data (say ”Key(straight)”, which refers to common keys like S40、C30、C70, etc.)
Step 5: Data conversion operation
- Device PSN is default.
- Choose the car type, like S40、C30、C70 ect.
- Upload the right EEPROM(2) first, and then upload the left EEPROM(1) data.
- Submit data.
Step 6:
Once submit the data, the system will calculate data and refresh automatically, until the final result shows.
Note: If the data is misplaced, or the data is incorrect, the conversion will fail.
Step 7: Calculating complete, please click to download the data, and put the data in the corresponding folder according to ”Operation Guide”
Lonsdor K518ISE tech support from