How to print data in AutoBoss V30 Elite scanner?

This morning I received an email from a regular client asking about how to use mini printer AutoBoss V30 Elite Scanner. He wanted to print the diagnosis report from AutoBoss SD card into a note like below:


There are two ways to print the saved files from its SD card:

1. Use your PC to print the files.

Step 1. Insert AutoBoss V30 Elite Super Scanner SD card in a code reader.

Step 2. Plug the SD card reader into USB port of the computer.

Step 3. Open disk of the SD card, select “open .c folder to view files” and then press “OK”.

2. Use the mini printer to print the files.

  • You can also a printout by pressing “Print” on the mini printer installed on AutoBoss V30 Scanner.
  • Or you can insert the SD card in a code reader, plug the code reader into USB port of your PC, click printer icon or select “File” then “Print” from top taskbar.

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